Burgundy is known for its sons, who have put it on the pedestal of sporting glory in France and around the world. However, this story would be incomplete if we did not tell you about the glorious daughters of Burgundy, who also contributed to the development of football in France. Let’s learn more about women’s football in Burgundy, how it developed and what state it is in now.

Historical Backdrop and National Context

The roots of women’s football in France are very deep, with the earliest recorded match dating back to 1920 when a French women’s team met England’s Dick, Kerr’s Ladies, drawing an astonishing crowd of 53,000. Despite its initial popularity, women’s football’s journey was fraught with difficulties, including an official ban by the French Football Federation (FFF) in 1933, which was not lifted until 1970.

The revival of women’s football in the 1970s, especially with the return of the first women’s division in 1975, marked the beginning of a new era, setting the stage for regions such as Burgundy to cultivate their own histories of women’s football.

Burgundy’s Сontribution to Women’s Football

Burgundy, with its rich sporting heritage, has not been left out of the national revival of women’s football. Local clubs, inspired by the pioneering spirit of the national movement, have begun to put together women’s teams, recognising the sport’s potential to promote equality and challenge societal norms. For example, the youngest and best-known club, Dijon FCO, has its own women’s team that competes in national competitions and its members are members of the national women’s team.

Challenges and Achievements

Like the entire national landscape, women’s football in Burgundy has gone through a maze of prejudice and discrimination. However, the determination of the players and growing public support have led to a gradual change in perceptions.

The successes of French clubs in the UEFA Women’s Champions League, in particular Lyon’s dominance, winning seven titles, serve as an inspiration to Burgundy’s aspiring athletes, highlighting the potential for high performance and international recognition.

The Path Forward

The path of women’s football in Burgundy is emblematic of the sport’s wider struggles and triumphs in France. The region’s clubs, while not yet at the forefront of national glory, are promising to nurture future champions such as Eugénie Le Sommer, who became a star of the national team. Initiatives such as Orange’s ground-breaking advertising ahead of the 2023 Women’s World Cup, which challenges stereotypes with deepfake technology, highlight the evolution of women’s football, advocating for greater recognition and equality.